Contea di Cheydinhal, nel Bacino del Nibenay (view on map) |
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Cheydinhal is a city in eastern Cyrodiil whose architecture and culture contains heavy Dunmer influence due to its close proximity to Morrowind's border. Located in the foothills between the Valus and Jerall Mountains, Cheydinhal sits on the northeastern edge of the Nibenay Basin, a river valley of tributaries to Lake Rumare and the Niben River.
Cheydinhal consists of three districts: Cheydinhal Castle, Market, and Chapel. The dominating feature of the city is a tributary of the Corbolo River, which bisects the city from north to south. The river is crossed by three bridges: a single bridge to the north connects the Market district to the Chapel district, while two smaller bridges to the south connect the southwest plaza and Chapel via a small island park.
La Fratellanza Oscura
La Fratellanza Oscura risiede in questa città, nella Casa Abbandonata (vedi mappa). Voci di corridoio suggeriscono che il Conte Andel Indary è a conoscenza della cosa, ma attraverso minacce e tangenti, la Confraternita Oscura è riuscita ad ottenere il silenzio del conte. Vedi Unirsi alla Confraternita Oscura per più informazioni.
Cheydinhal People
† Inius Colus and Esbern are added as replacements if Gruiand Garrana or Hil the Tall are killed during Knights of the Nine.
‡ Kinther appears after Ohtesse dies during the Knights of the Nine.
Quest inizianti qui
- A Brush with Death
- Corruption and Conscience
- The Wayward Knight
- Buying a house in Cheydinhal
- The Sword of the CrusaderKotN
Fighters Guild
Mages Guild
Related Quests
OB-place-Cheydinhal 05.jpg
View of the Imperial City and Cheydinhal from the top of Frostcrag Spire
- It's possible to climb over the walls and out the city. See this for details.
- PC Only Questo bug è stato corretto dalla versione 3.5.0 di Unofficial Oblivion Patch.