Template:Book Normal/Doc

The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995


This template is to be used for listing non-magic books in a table format, along with item id, description, and location. This is game-specific.


Book Normal
Parametri Visibilità Descrizione
title or 1 required Title of book as it appears in inventory.
ns_base optional Namespace for book page. Defaults to current namespace.
id optional Item ID of book.
locn optional Location found.
alttitle optional Displayed title of book. If not provided, title will be used.
addcolumn optional Adds a column on the right, used for notes. (Set to " " to add a blank column.)


{| class=wikitable
! Title !! Author !! Description
{{Book Normal|Banker's Bet|id=FFFFFFFF|ns_base=Lore}}
Title Author Description
Banker's Bet