
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995


Provides a list of improvements that need to be made to a page as part of the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project and keeps track of those that have been made.

In general, a "written" parameter should be added as soon as a section has been written by anybody.

A "Checked" parameter should only be added when the information has been fully verified by a project member. Typically, this will require careful checks using the construction set. If another user finds a mistake with information that has been either written or checked, they should post the problem on the talk page or attempt to correct the information themselves, as with any other edit.

When all information has been marked as written and checked, the template no longer appears (instead, it is added to the Oblivion House Redesign Pages Requiring Final Review category). At that point, the page should be given one last check by a member of the project and then removed.


Parametri Visibilità Descrizione
description optional Link to the userpage of the user that wrote the description section of the house page.
descriptionChecked optional Link to the userpage of the user that checked the description section of the house page.
inventory optional Link to the userpage of the user that wrote the inventory section of the house page.
inventoryChecked optional Link to the userpage of the user that checked the inventory section of the house page.
quests optional Link to the userpage of the user that wrote the quests section of the house page.
questsChecked optional Link to the userpage of the user that checked the quests section of the house page.
residents optional Link to the userpage of the user that wrote the house section of the house page.
residentsChecked optional Link to the userpage of the user that checked the house section of the house page.
summary optional Link to the userpage of the user that wrote the summary section of the house page.
summaryChecked optional Link to the userpage of the user that checked the summary section of the house page.
1 optional Adds a description of any work this article specifically needs.
image optional Add a notice similar to NeedsImage. This parameter describes the image required.


Nothing Done Yet

This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.

Some Written, Some Checked

This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion Houses Redesign Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.

Fully Written and Checked


(nothing appears)