Template:Daggerfall Sommario Città/Doc

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This template should be used on Daggerfall city pages to provide a consistent format for the city summary information. It includes the appropriate breadcrumb trail and categories.


Daggerfall Sommario Città
Parametri Visibilità Descrizione
titlename optional name of city (defaults to PAGENAME, only necessary if page name includes extra text such as "(city)")
city state optional city state where city is located
walled optional is the city walled? (defaults to "No")
palace optional does the city have a palace? (defaults to "No")
cemetery optional does the city have a cemetery? (defaults to "No")
dark optional does the Dark Brotherhood have a guild hall here? (defaults to "No")
fighters optional does the Fighters Guild have a guild hall here? (defaults to "No")
mages optional does the Mages Guild have a guild hall here? (defaults to "No")
thieves optional does the Thieves Guild have a guild hall here? (defaults to "No")
knight optional which Knightly Order can be found here? (defaults to "None")
temple optional which Temple can be found here? (defaults to "None")
quests optional number of quest locations (defaults to 0)
house optional list of houses associated with a faction (defaults to "None")
Each of the following provides the number of a given type of building in the city; the default value in each case is 0.
alchemist optional Alchemists
armorer optional Armorers
bank optional Banks
book optional Bookstores
clothier optional Clothing Stores
general optional General Stores
jeweler optional Gem Stores
library optional Libraries
pawn optional Pawn Shops
residence optional Residences
shop optional Shopping Plaza
tavern optional Taverns
smith optional Weapon Smiths