Template:ESO Story Chart/Dominion

The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
Soul Shriven in Coldharbour
Khenarthi's Roost
Storm on the Horizon
Cast Adrift
Tears of the Two Moons
The Perils of Diplomacy
The Tempest Unleashed
To Auridon
Missive to the Queen
All the Fuss
Ensuring Security
A Hostile Situation
To Tanzelwil
In the Name of the Queen
Rites of the Queen
To Mathiisen
Putting the Pieces Together
The Unveiling
To Skywatch
Back to Skywatch
Lifting the Veil
Wearing the Veil
The Veil Falls
To Dawnbreak
Through the Ashes
To Firsthold
Breaking the Barrier
Sever All Ties
The Great Tree
Unsafe Haven
Trouble at the Tree
The Honor of the Queen
Fit to Rule
The Grip of Madness
Lost in Study
Heart of the Matter
A Lasting Winter
The Orrery of Elden Root
The Staff of Magnus
Aid for Bramblebreach
Frighten the Fearsome
Audience with the Wilderking
The Spinner's Tale
The Witch of Silatar
Throne of the Wilderking
Veil of Illusion
Double Jeopardy
Before the Storm
A Storm Upon the Shore
Pelidil's End
Report to Marbruk
Naemon's Return
Breaking the Ward
Retaking the Pass
Right of Theft
The Blight of the Bosmer
Shades of Green
Striking at the Heart
To Velyn Harbor
Malabal Tor
The Siege of Velyn Harbor
House and Home
One Fell Swoop
The Drublog of Dra'bul
Reap What Is Sown
The Hound's Plan
The Prisoner of Jathsogur
A Wedding to Attend
Buyer Beware
Restore the Silvenar
The Dark Mane
Reaper's March
Moons Over Grimwatch
Eye on Arenthia
Grim Situation
The Colovian Occupation
Grimmer Still
Stonefire Machinations
A Door Into Moonlight
Hallowed To Arenthia
Hallowed To Grimwatch
The Champions at Rawl'kha
Hallowed to Rawl'kha
To Rawl'kha
To Saifa in Rawl'kha
The First Step
The Path to Moonmont
To Moonmont
Motes in the Moonlight
To Dune
The Fires of Dune
The Moonlit Path
The Den of Lorkhaj
Messages Across Tamriel
The Weight of Three Crowns


The key for this chart can be generated with

{{ESO Story Chart/Key|#f6f6c9|#f3d655}}
Denotes a requisite path or quest. You must complete this before starting the subsequent quest.
Denotes an optional path or quest. The subsequent story quest can be started without this being completed.
Denotes an exclusive path or quest. Only one of the connected quests is required, and only one can be completed.
Denotes a quest which is part of the main story chain.
Denotes a story quest which is required for Cadwell's Almanac.
Denotes a story pointer which is part of the main chain.
Denotes a story pointer which is on an alternate path.
Denotes a side quest which is required for Cadwell's Almanac.