Template:Online Skill Summary/Doc

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This template provides a uniform look for all Elder Scrolls Online skill pages, and should be used at the top of the pages for any active, passive, ultimate, or other skills. It automatically fills in the breadcrumb trails and primary image. Many of the parameters are also made available for other templates, such as {{Online Skill Link}}.


Online Skill Summary
Parametri Visibilità Descrizione
titlename optional Name to display in the top of the table. If omitted, {{PAGENAME}} will be used instead.
id optional The ID of the skill, as found in the Skills Browser. This is used to provide the {{Skill Link}}; if not specified, the title will be displayed normally.
icon optional The icon used in the game for this skill. Text only, do not link.
optional Additional icons for certain skills.
image optional An image which will be displayed as a thumbnail on the upper left corner of the page. Again, text only, do not link.
imgdesc optional Caption which will display under the image specified in "image" parameter.
update required The number of the major update patch which the skill page was last updated for.
type optional "Active", "Passive", or "Ultimate".
line required The name of the skill line to which this effect belongs.
desc optional The description of the skill as it appears in-game.
The following parameters are for Active and Ultimate abilities
Stats should be based on Level 50 Champion Points160, Max Magicka/Stamina 7958, Weapon/Spell Damage 1037, and Health 8744
desc1 optional The description of the skill's first morph as it appears in-game.
desc2 optional The description of the skill's second morph as it appears in-game.
linerank optional Skill line rank needed for this skill.
cost optional Resource cost of this skill, based on a Level 4 character.
casttime optional Cast Time for this skill. Valid options include "Instant", "Channeled", or the cast time in seconds.
duration optional Duration of the skill in seconds.
target optional Target for this skill. Valid options include "Enemy", "Ally", "Self" or "Ground".
range optional Range of the skill.
radius optional Radius for this skill.
morph1name optional Name of the ability's first morph.
morph1id optional The ID of the first morph, as found in the Skills Browser.
morph1desc optional The new effect of the first morph as it appears in-game.
morph1icon optional The icon used in the game for this morph.
morph2name optional Name of the ability's second morph.
morph2id optional The ID of the second morph, as found in the Skills Browser.
morph2desc optional The new effect of the second morph as it appears in-game.
morph2icon optional The icon used in the game for this morph.
The following parameters are for Passive abilities
desc2 optional The description of the skill at Rank II as it appears in-game.
optional The description of the skill at Ranks III-X as they appear in-game.
linerank1 optional Skill line rank needed for Rank I of this skill.
optional Skill line rank needed for Rank II-X of this skill.
onefree optional If you get Rank I for free with this skill, without spending a skill point, set onefree=1.
notrail optional If a value is provided for this parameter the trail will be omitted.
nocat optional If a value is provided for this parameter the category will be omitted.


Active Ability

{{Online Skill Summary
|line=Daedric Summoning
|icon=Daedric Summoning-Summon Storm Atronach
|titlename=Summon Storm Atronach
|desc=Summon a storm atronach at the target location. The atronach's arrival deals 22 [[ON:Shock Damage|Shock Damage]] and stuns nearby enemies for 3 seconds. The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy.<br>An ally can activate Charged Lightning, giving both the ally and the atronach Major Berserk, increasing their damage by 25{{huh}}% for 8 seconds.
|desc1=Duration: [25 / 26 / 27 / 28] seconds.<br>The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy for 15{{huh}}% more damage.
|cost=200 Ultimate
|range=28 meters
|radius=6 meters
|duration=15 sec
|morph1name=Greater Storm Atronach
|morph1icon=Daedric Summoning-Greater Storm Atronach
|morph1desc=Increased duration, damage, and health.
|morph2name=Summon Charged Atronach
|morph2icon=Daedric Summoning-Summon Charged Atronach
|morph2desc=Has a powerful area effect attack.
To meet our site's higher standard of quality, this article or section may require cleanup. The user who placed this here had the following concern:
May need to be updated following changes in [[{{{link}}}|Update {{{number}}}]].
To leave a message about the cleanup for this article, please add it to this article's talk page.
ON-icon-Question Mark.pngON-icon-ActiveFrame.png Summon Storm Atronach
Line Daedric Summoning
Line Rank 12 Cost 200 Ultimate
Cast Time Instant Duration 15 sec
Target Ground
Range 28 meters Area 6 meters
Morph ON-icon-Question Mark.pngON-icon-ActiveFrame.png Greater Storm Atronach
Increased duration, damage, and health.
ON-icon-Question Mark.pngON-icon-ActiveFrame.png Summon Charged Atronach
Has a powerful area effect attack.
Summon Storm Atronach: Summon a storm atronach at the target location. The atronach's arrival deals 22 Shock Damage and stuns nearby enemies for 3 seconds. The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy.
An ally can activate Charged Lightning, giving both the ally and the atronach Major Berserk, increasing their damage by 25(?)% for 8 seconds.
Greater Storm Atronach: Duration: [25 / 26 / 27 / 28] seconds.
The atronach cannot move but attacks the nearest enemy for 15(?)% more damage.
Summon Charged Atronach(?)

Passive Ability

{{Online Skill Summary
|icon=Alchemy-Solvent Proficiency
|titlename=Solvent Proficiency
|desc=Allows the Alchemist to use Natural Water to make Level 3 potions and Clear Water to make Level 10 potions.
|desc2=Allows the Alchemist to use Pristine Water to make Level 20 potions.
|desc3=Allows the Alchemist to use Cleansed Water to make Level 30 potions.
|desc4=Allows the Alchemist to use Filtered Water to make Level 40 potions.
|desc5=Allows the Alchemist to use Purified Water to make Veteran 1 potions.
|desc6=Allows the Alchemist to use Cloud Mist to make Veteran 5 potions.
To meet our site's higher standard of quality, this article or section may require cleanup. The user who placed this here had the following concern:
May need to be updated following changes in [[{{{link}}}|Update {{{number}}}]].
To leave a message about the cleanup for this article, please add it to this article's talk page.
ON-icon-Question Mark.pngON-icon-PassiveFrame.png Solvent Proficiency
Line Alchemy
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I ON-icon-skill-Add.pngON-icon-skill-Numeral1.png 1
Rank II ON-icon-skill-Add.pngON-icon-skill-Numeral2.png 10
Rank III ON-icon-skill-Add.pngON-icon-skill-Numeral3.png 20
Rank IV ON-icon-skill-Add.pngON-icon-skill-Numeral4.png 30
Rank V ON-icon-skill-Add.pngON-icon-skill-Numeral5.png 35
Rank VI ON-icon-skill-Add.pngON-icon-skill-Numeral6.png 48
Solvent Proficiency I: Allows the Alchemist to use Natural Water to make Level 3 potions and Clear Water to make Level 10 potions.
Solvent Proficiency II: Allows the Alchemist to use Pristine Water to make Level 20 potions.
Solvent Proficiency III: Allows the Alchemist to use Cleansed Water to make Level 30 potions.
Solvent Proficiency IV: Allows the Alchemist to use Filtered Water to make Level 40 potions.
Solvent Proficiency V: Allows the Alchemist to use Purified Water to make Veteran 1 potions.
Solvent Proficiency VI: Allows the Alchemist to use Cloud Mist to make Veteran 5 potions.