Template:Spell Summary

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This template is to be used at the top of each spell page to standardize info and formatting.


Spell Summary
Parametri Visibilità Descrizione
titlename optional Name to display in the top of the table. If omitted, {{PAGENAME}} will be used instead.
icon optional The icon used in the game for this spell. Text only, do not link.
tomeicon optional The icon used for the Spell Tome for this spell. If barter param is given, this defaults to the image used for all Spell Tomes in the given school, so it should not be needed in most cases. Only use it if you want an icon without the barter parameter, or if you need to use a non-default icon.
image optional An image which will be displayed as a thumbnail on the upper left corner of the page. Again, text only, do not link.
imgdesc optional Caption which will display under the image specified in "image" parameter.
desc optional The description of the spell as it appears in-game.
school optional The name of the skill school to which this effect belongs (blank or None if no school). May also be set to "Power" to document Greater or Lesser Powers.
color optional The background color to use. It is recommended that this parameter not be specified (in which case the color will be set based on the value of school).
diff optional Difficulty of the spell - indicates which perk is necessary to reduce casting cost. Valid options include "Novice", "Apprentice", "Adept", "Expert", and "Master", or if school is set to "Power", this should be "Greater" or "Lesser".
type optional "Offensive", "Defensive", or "Other". Whether this spell is primarily used for attacking targets, or primarily used on yourself. This is only meant to indicate normal use; details can appear later on the page.
cast optional Casting mode for this spell. Valid options include "Fire and Forget", "Concentration", and very rarely "Constant Effect"
delivery optional Delivery mode for this spell. Valid options include "Aimed", "Contact", "Self", "Target Actor" or "Target Location"
equip optional Equip mode for this spell. Valid options include "Either Hand" (most common), "Both Hands", "Voice" (for Powers), or very rarely "Left Hand" or "Right Hand" (these seem to be only used by enemy spellcasters, so might not be seen much if at all.)
spellid optional Form ID for this spell
editorid optional Editor ID for this spell
barter optional Barter value for Spell Tome for this spell. Omit if there is no Spell Tome.
tomeid optional Form ID for the Spell Tome for this spell. Will not be displayed if "barter" is omitted.
cost optional Magicka base cost of this spell (see Spell Effects).
charge optional Charge time of the spell in seconds
duration optional Duration of the spell in seconds
area optional Area of the spell (how wide an area it affects)
speed optional Speed of projectile spells (in ft/s)
life optional Max Life of projectile in seconds (should be equal to range/speed)
magnitude optional Magnitude of the spell
range optional Range of the spell (how far away you can cast it)
found optional List of places in which this spell can be found.
noloot optional Set it to anything to indicate that this spell's tome cannot be found in leveled loot. Not necessary if "barter" is omitted, or it's a Master level spell.
anylevel optional Set it to anything to omit the level/quest requirement in the purchase header, indicating that the spell can be purchased at any level.
purchase optional List of vendors who have this spell for sale.
cond optional Conditions under which the spell may be purchased. Only needed if the conditions vary from the default. Level and master ritual quest conditions will be automatically added otherwise.
notes optional A Notes section which appears on the bottom. Use for information on acquiring the spell which doesn't fit in "Found" or "Purchase" sections.
notrail optional If a value is provided for this parameter the trail and category will be omitted.


{{Spell Summary
|cast=Fire and Forget
|equip=Either Hand
|range=469 feet
|speed=117 ft/s
|life=~4 sec
*[[Skyrim:Farengar Secret-Fire|Farengar Secret-Fire]]
*[[Skyrim:Sybille Stentor|Sybille Stentor]]
*[[Skyrim:Wuunferth the Unliving|Wuunferth the Unliving]]
SR-icon-spell-Fire.png Firebolt
School Destruction Difficulty Apprentice
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Aimed Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 00012fd0 Editor ID Firebolt
Base Cost 41 Charge Time 0
Duration 1 Range 469 feet
Speed 117 ft/s Max Life ~4 sec
Magnitude 25 Area 0
Tome ID 000a26fd Tome Value 96
Appears in random loot at level 10+
Purchase from